


Grace Episcopal Church welcomes everyone to worship with us. During the pandemic, we discovered a deeper community of faith as we navigated through difficult change and loss. We explored new ways to reach out to one another and to the wider community. We are grateful to finally be able to worship together. We will continue to offer our worship services virtually on Zoom for those who cannot join us in person.

Our worship services are deeply bound to the spiritual roots of the worldwide Anglican Communion and The Episcopal Church. We treasure the traditions of our faith but always strive to be current in our spiritual relationships with the world and with each other. We take liturgy seriously, but we enjoy a relaxed community spirit with one another and with visitors who come to worship with us. We draw the form of our worship from the Book of Common Prayer and also from additional liturgical resources offered by the Episcopal Church. We usually have music but occasionally we offer a quiet spoken service.

We are still growing and learning. All are invited to walk this spiritual journey with us as we come together for worship that gives meaning to our lives. Grace Episcopal Church warmly welcomes you!

Worship Services at Grace Church

Sunday 9:30 AM Service. In-Person or join us on Zoom

Service Bulletin for February 9

Contact the church office for more details regarding Zoom. Email the office

You can view our zoom services on YouTube. Click on the  Grace Church Channel link to see them all.