Stewardship 2024

You should have received a letter from Pam Mott about Stewardship, a pledge card for 2024 (with a return envelope), and a lovely magnet with our Joy logo (so beautifully created by Marnie Hackenberg). Sunday, October 22 is the ingathering of pledges. We hope to have all pledges submitted by then, so the Vestry can finish work on the 2024 budget. If you wish, you can also pledge on-line using the giving tab on the Grace website. As an inspiration to the congregation, the Vestry is responding by pledging by October 15!!!!
Grace has been blessed by two recent financial gifts that demonstrate the unabashed Joy of Giving we discussed during the sermon. A one-time gift of $15,000. The hope is this gift will spur us to at least match this gift with a $15,000 increase in our 2024 pledge total. What does this mean for us as individuals? If we each increased our pledges by 10%, we could do it!!! For example, if you pledged $1,000 in 2023, could you pledge $1,100 in 2024 (that would be an increase of $2 per week). Another very generous anonymous parishioner has made a gift of up to $35,000 towards a state-of-the-art AV/IT system (that combined with the $15,000 existing in the AV/IT account from gifts and donations makes a total of $50,000 available for this important upgrade). How is God calling you to respond to these wonderful gifts and to the excitement that is building at Grace?
If you have any questions or have not received the pledge materials in the mail, please reach out to a member of the Stewardship Committee.
Your Stewardship Committee: Marsha Kleinz, Diane Paterson, Lynn Wolfe, Mike Powers, Nancy Kinner
come join us…..for the Joy of it!!!
Your Stewardship Committee: Marsha Kleinz, Mike Powers, Nancy Kinner, Lynne Wolfe, Diane Paterson
Weekly checks and pledge envelopes!
Sign into your Bank’s Bill Pay, and indicate, through automatic payment, a regular check to be sent to Grace Church!
Use PayPal: check out our website,( and click on the PayPal link.
It’s that easy!