
Grace Church Vestry

The Vestry is the governing board of an Episcopal church, and together with the Rector, leads the Parish in all major decisions. Grace Church’s Vestry members and officers are elected at the annual Parish Meeting in January, members for three-year terms and officers to one-year renewable terms.

Two Wardens head the Vestry, and a Treasurer, supported by a Finance Committee and a paid bookkeeper, oversees Parish finances. The Vestry Clerk records minutes of Vestry meetings and maintains Parish records. Vestry meetings are open to all parishioners and minutes of Vestry meetings are available in the Parish Office.

Grace Church Vestry Covenant

Jesus said: I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. John 13:34

The vestry of Grace Church, Bath, Maine, desires to live in the spirit of love reflected in the decisions we make together, the way we treat each other and as an example in the life of the congregation.  By way of ever deepening our awareness of this covenant, we will read it at the beginning of each meeting. Our meetings and conversation will be shaped in love, listening and the development of trust.  To read the full Vestry Covenant

Vestry 2023 


Vestry Members