
The Grace Episcopal Church Outreach mission statement of purpose is to serve our community with our time      and talent and to commit our financial support to those places where we invest our hands and hearts. Outreach coordinates and encourages all parishioners to do Christ’s work and be present with our neighbors—locally, in the larger community, and throughout the world. This participation includes both active volunteers and financial support.

Bath Area Food Bank. Grace Episcopal Church is a founding member and active supporter of the Bath Area Food Bank (BAFB). Parishioners can donate canned and other nonperishable foods by placing them in the blue plastic bins located in the Narthex. Other specific requests include toiletries for both men and women, including shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant, toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, toilet paper, and Band-Aids. On the first Sunday of every month, we have a special collection of cash and checks during the service.

Tedford Housing Meal Program. Grace Episcopal Church participates in the Meal-A-Month program at Tedford Housing’s emergency shelter in Brunswick. We provide a dinner meal for Tedford clients on the fifth Tuesdays and fifth Thursdays of the month. We occasionally supply a meal when no other group is available. This service entails preparing a main course or a dessert for 25 people. Interested volunteers in this ministry can participate one time or regularly.

Outreach currently provides annual financial support to Habitat for Humanity/7 Rivers Maine, the Bath Area Backpack Program, and Midcoast Maine Community Action’s fuel-assistance program. We also recently sent donations to the Midcoast Youth Center and the Midcoast Hunger Prevention Program.

Other community events that Outreach has sponsored or participated in include distributing free water bottles to spectators at the 4thof July Heritage Days parade; “Blessing of the Animals” in early October to honor St. Francis; the United Way’s Diaper Project; and Christmas fairs, plant sales, auctions, and talent shows—all open to the public. These activities and projects offer not only fellowship and assistance but also make Grace Episcopal Church more visible in Bath and the surrounding communities.